Impact of Physical Therapy on Arthritis: Alleviating Pain and Improving Mobility

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Impact of Physical Therapy on Arthritis: Alleviating Pain and Improving Mobility

Impact of Physical Therapy on Arthritis: Alleviating Pain and Improving Mobility

Understanding the Impact of Physical Therapy on Arthritis

Arthritis, a condition that inflicts stiffness and pain in the joints, is undoubtedly a tough ailment to live with. Yet, there is hope for those who live with this ailment, and it comes in the form of physical therapy. Incorporating physical therapy into your healthcare plan can make a significant difference in managing arthritis symptoms and enhancing overall life quality.

The Role of Physical Therapy in Arthritis Management

Physical therapy serves as an effective non-surgical method to alleviate arthritis symptoms, primarily by focusing on maintaining joint flexibility and strength. The chief goal of a physical therapist is to manage pain and aid patients in resuming their favorite activities, if possible. This approach is not only about managing the present symptoms but also halting further joint damage.

Methods Used By Physiotherapists

A physical therapy session may involve several methods to manage arthritis. Generally, the professional will start with passive treatments like heat or cold therapy, massage, or electrotherapy. Once the pain reduces to a manageable level, the therapy will shift towards active methods like exercises and strength training.

Impact of Exercise in Physical Therapy

Exercise plays a pivotal role in physical therapy for arthritis sufferers. It may sound counter-intuitive, especially if one is suffering from a painful bout of arthritis. Yet, research confirms that exercise aids in maintaining joint suppleness while boosting their overall strength. Physical therapists recommend exercises that rise gradually in intensity, from gentle ranges-of-motion exercises to strength training and low-impact forms of cardio.

Education and Lifestyle Changes

Physical therapists also offer education and advice about managing arthritis symptoms and preventing further issues. This might involve educating the patient on how to use assistive devices, make adjustments in daily routines, or even use alternate methods to perform tasks that cause unnecessary strain on the joints.

Long-term Benefits of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy’s long-term benefits for arthritis patients are numerous and significant. From reduced pain and enhanced mobility to improved mood and sleep, these effects contribute to a higher quality of life. Furthermore, physical therapy helps reduce the need for pain medications, offering a non-addictive alternative to managing pain associated with arthritis.

Physical Therapy Takeaway

From alleviating pain to teaching lifestyle changes and offering non-addictive solutions for managing chronic pain, physical therapy presents a formidable solution for arthritis patients. Consider incorporating it into your healthcare plan if you are suffering from arthritis. For the dedicated physical therapists out there who make lives better each day, consider joining Stern Therapy. Here, not only will you find satisfaction in your work, but you can also enjoy a rewarding career.