The Impact of Concussions in Sports: A Focus on Physical Therapy and Recovery

The Stern At Home Therapy Blog

The Impact of Concussions in Sports: A Focus on Physical Therapy and Recovery

The Impact of Concussions in Sports: A Focus on Physical Therapy and Recovery

The Reality of Concussions in Sports

In the world of sports, it’s an unfortunate reality that concussions, otherwise known as mild traumatic brain injuries, are quite common. It’s estimated that nearly 3 million athletes face this issue annually. These concussions not only pose immediate negative effects but according to recent studies, they can also lead to long-term complications. This is particularly true for individuals who have suffered multiple concussions. Despite a growing focus on identifying concussions, only a fraction are actually recognized and treated.

Understanding The Role of Physical Therapy in Concussions

Moving on to the topic of post-concussion recovery, this brings us to the question – what does physical therapy look like after a concussion? This is a question that has been thoroughly explored in the medical community.


As a physical therapist, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies of treating an athlete who has suffered from a concussion. If you have a passion for helping others heal and bounce back after injuries, consider joining Stern Therapy. It’s not just a job, but a fulfilling career that can make a substantial difference in people’s lives. Join us and find joy and satisfaction in your career as a physical therapist.